Senior Care News

How to Handle Driving When It’s Time Your Senior Stopped

In-Home Care in Southbury
In-Home Care in Southbury

If it’s time for you and your senior to decide about her ability to drive, you can’t afford to wait. This is a talk that you need sooner rather than later, so everyone has time to adjust to the new normal.

Is Your Senior Safe on the Road?

Before you even bring up the topic of driving with your elderly family member, you might want to think about some things on your own first. Is she truly safe on the road? Also, if you believe she isn’t, what is making you feel that way? Some seniors experience various incidents behind the wheel before they stop driving, which are contributing factors. In your elderly family member’s case, there may be other signs to consider. 

Talk with Her Doctor

If you’re still in doubt, talk to your aging family member’s doctor about her ability to drive. Some health issues, like cognitive illnesses, might mean your senior needs to give up driving sooner than she might have expected. Her doctor can help your senior determine when it’s time for her to hand over the keys.

Talk it Through with Your Senior, Too

You and your senior will fare better if you have open conversations about driving, your concerns, and her feelings about the matter. Understanding where your senior is coming from in terms of continuing to drive can help determine how urgent this situation might be. This isn’t a situation where you want to start making decisions without your elderly family member’s input, because that’s not going to go as well as you might think.

Find a Compromise that Works for Both of You

Ultimately, you need to find a compromise that works for everyone involved. Your elderly family member may be okay driving in certain circumstances. Likewise, she might admit she has trouble with other situations, such as bad weather or at night. Having a plan in place, like in-home care providers that can do the driving for her, gives your senior another option. It’s never a good plan to tell her that she can’t drive and yet not have options in place. If in-home care providers need to do all the driving, make sure your senior is on board with that.

Remember to Have Some Sympathy for This Change

It’s never easy for someone to make a change, like giving up driving for good. That’s especially the case if your elderly family member has been driving for a long time. It can take some time for her to feel comfortable. Her only source of transportation is with in-home care providers or with you instead of under her own power. When you give her time to adjust, it’s going to be easier for her to adopt those new habits.

The less your senior feels forced into this new situation, the better for everyone involved. Try not to give her ultimatums or make her feel as if she has no choices at all.

If you or an aging loved one is considering In-Home Care in Southbury, CT, please contact the caring staff at Elderly Caregivers LLC. today. (203) 628-7438

Bernadette Applegreen
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