Senior Care News

How Does Personal Care at Home Assist After a Fall?

If your senior loved one has suffered a recent fall, personal care at home can assist them with prevention and recovering safely.
Senior Falls: Personal Care at Home New Milford, CT
Senior Falls: Personal Care at Home New Milford, CT

Your dad fell and broke his collarbone and wrist. He’s in a cast and going to be less mobile and needs a lot of help for the next few months. His doctor recommends having a caregiver available for grooming and hygiene. How will personal care at home help out?

Activities of Daily Living

Many broken collarbones occur when the arm is outstretched in a fall. That’s also why your dad’s wrist is broken. While instincts are to stop the fall by putting your hand out, it can cause serious injuries. It also takes weeks and even months to recover, depending on the severity of the fracture. During this time, your dad is going to be doing everything with the unaffected hand and arm.

This makes simple tasks like washing your hair, shaving, washing your body, drying off, and getting dressed impossible. If he’s right-handed and it’s the right wrist that’s broken, he’s not going to be able to shave, brush and floss his teeth, or tie his sneakers. All of this falls under the umbrella of personal care at home.

What Caregivers Help Him Do

A fractured collarbone typically requires your dad to wear a sling and keep his shoulder immobilized for several weeks. He won’t have use of that arm for a while. This can make it hard to shower. He won’t be able to wash his hair with both hands. Getting in and out of the shower may be more challenging if he relies on a grab bar for balance.

With a caregiver’s help, he safely steps in and out of the shower. He has help washing his body and hair as needed. His caregiver can hand him items, help him reach the shower wand to rinse off, and assist him as he dries off.

If he needs help applying skin lotion, his caregiver can help. If he doesn’t, his caregiver lets him do as much as he can independently. When it’s time to get dressed, his caregiver is there to help out.

He may not be able to floss his teeth when he only has one hand he can use. His caregiver helps him brush and floss his teeth. If he needs help shaving, he has it. If he has to have someone else trim his nails, trim his eyebrows, and apply face cream or aftershave, those are other ways caregivers can help.

As your dada heals, his caregiver can let him do more for himself. The goal is to help him maintain his independence without having to struggle.

How Do You Get Started?

Talk to his doctors about his recovery plan. Is he going to need physical therapy? How long before he’s out of a sling and cast? The more information you have, the easier it will be to ensure you schedule the right personal care services.

Arrange personal care at home to assist your dad with his grooming and hygiene needs. As he regains strength and mobility over time, he’ll rely on his personal care at home aide less and less. Meanwhile, you know he has the support he needs to avoid another fall.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Personal Care at Home in New Milford, CT, please contact the caring staff at Elderly Caregivers LLC. today. (203) 628-7438

Bernadette Applegreen
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