If you’ve already determined that home care assistance services would be a great option for your senior, make sure you’ve talked with her about what you’re planning. Not getting your senior’s buy-in on that idea can cause some big problems, even if she knows she needs a little more help. Try some of these ideas to keep her mind open about this new idea.
Have Some Open Conversations Beforehand and Keep Your Senior Involved in Decisions
One of the major reasons your senior is likely to shut down at the suggestion of help might be how you approach the topic. It’s important to talk with her about what it means to you for her to have extra help and why you feel that’s a good idea. When your elderly family member understands why you feel that home care assistance would be helpful, she’s more likely to have an open mind.
Another big consideration is that your elderly family member can very easily start to feel as if she doesn’t have any choices available to her. This is about making sure that your elderly family member is safe, of course, but it’s also her life that you’re making decisions about. Making those decisions without talking to her is bound to feel hurtful to her.
Start Small and Slow with Home Care Assistance Providers
When you do bring on home care assistance providers, it’s probably a good idea to start out slowly and with small visits at first. This is a new experience for your elderly family member and unless the situation is one in which she needs a lot of help immediately, she might feel better easing into things. This can be a big factor in how she views the experience overall.
Try to Let Your Senior Set the Pace
If it’s possible at all, let your elderly family member set the pace with how things progress. If she seems to be opening up to the experience of having home care assistance providers helping her out, let her choose to expand hours, days, and other variables. This ensures again that you’re giving her as many choices as you can, within reason.
Touch Base Often about What’s Working Well
Talk to your elderly family member about what she is experiencing with home care assistance. Is it working for her? What isn’t working? Encourage her to get specific with you so that you can fully understand what needs to change if anything. This can help her to understand that you’re serious about ensuring she’s getting her needs met. That’s what all of this is about, after all, and if she’s not getting the help that she needs in some way, you need to know so you can help put other plans in place.
It’s tricky at first to encourage your senior to accept help when she needs it. There are good reasons for that, including her possibly wanting to maintain as much of her independence as she can for as long as possible. But having some help doesn’t mean she’s not able to live her life how she wants whenever she can.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care Assistance Services in Ridgefield CT, please contact the caring staff at Elderly Caregivers LLC. today. (203) 628-7438
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