Senior Care News

Best Fall Outings

Your family or a companion care at home provider could take your senior loved one to enjoy some fun fall activities.
Companion Care at Home in Southbury CT
Companion Care at Home in Southbury CT

The fall months can be some of the best months to bring your loved one out to explore the community around her. The dangerously hot summer days are long gone, and the dangerously cold days are not here yet. Fall is often a drier month, meaning outdoor activities are more enjoyable without high humidity making them uncomfortable or the chance of a rainout destroying the day’s plans. And while the enjoyment of the other seasons varies from one part of the country to the other, almost all areas of the country find fall a great time for family-friendly outdoor activities.

If you’re looking for some fun activities, chances are you won’t have to go too far. Here are five ideas that your loved one can attend with you and your family or even with her companion care at home provider. Having a companion care at home provider help her attend these events if you live far away is a great way to make sure your loved one will enjoy the perks of fall, no matter how short-lived it is.


Even if your loved one isn’t a huge sports fan, fall is a great time to get out and go to a game. And while professional games can be pricey, sometimes just heading over to the local high school or college, can be a much more laid-back and affordable way to enjoy some fall competitions and the fresh air. Have your loved one pack a blanket to snuggle under and a thermos of some hot cocoa or tea and she’ll be ready to enjoy the game, even if she doesn’t know who’s playing.


The parks are waiting with the vivid colors of fall and the smells that only fall can bring. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore a local park, whether it’s a small community park or a large state park. So long as there are trees and smooth paths to walk, your loved one will enjoy a nice walk on a brisk fall day.

Community Centers

If your area has a community gym, museum, or art center, these community gathering areas often have fall activities planned for all ages. There might be a pumpkin-carving contest your loved one can judge or a chili competition she can join in on with her favorite recipe. Ask your companion care at home provider to help her prepare an entry into a local contest, or just bring her to the event to see what others have created.


While gardens peak in the summer, fall can be a wonderful time to see how all of those beautiful plants prepare for colder months ahead. Like trees, many change colors, and flowers become beautiful, dried husks. Your local garden might even be decorated for fall with a few pumpkins and corn stalks.

Pumpkin patches

Speaking of pumpkins, fall is the time to visit your local pumpkin patch. From hay rides to corn mazes to pumpkin picking, your loved one is sure to enjoy this fall activity year after year.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home in Southbury, CT, please contact the caring staff at Elderly Caregivers LLC. today (203) 628-7438

Bernadette Applegreen
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