Alzheimer's Home Care in Danbury, CT

Providing exceptional Alzheimer's home care in Danbury, CT.
We also provide in-home care services in parts of Massachusetts and New York.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 80% of adults over the age of 75 have some degree of dementia. With those statistics in mind, many Americans are in need of care for their aging parents. We are here to help provide care for your loved one with dementia and other memory problems.

Our caregivers are specifically trained to understand the complex needs of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other dementia diagnoses.

Our strategies in caring for those with dementia-related diagnoses include:

  • Promoting independence when possible.
  • Making the home environment safer.
  • Actively empathizing and reassurance of those that appear disoriented.
  • Redirecting restless or agitated behavior to productive activity.
  • Reduce frustrations by establishing daily routines, providing choices, simple instructions, and reducing distractions.

The Best Alzheimer’s Home Care in Danbury

What is Alzheimer’s and Dementia Home Care?

Elderly Caregivers is a leader in Alzheimer’s In-Home Care in Danbury, CT.

Home care is an important function for those with dementia. 

During the process of Alzheimer’s type dementia, the brain deteriorates slowly. In that time the sufferer undergoes stages of personality and motor changes.

Each stage must be should be noted and changes to the plan of care should be implemented.

There are specific questions to ask your caregiver before they provide your loved one with the Alzheimer’s care that they need.

The caregivers that we would assign to you are ones that are specifically experienced in Alzheimer’s care.

Providing exceptional Memory home care in Danbury CT

The Best Alzheimer's and Dementia Home Care in Danbury, CT

Types of Comfort Care We Provide:

  • Companion Services: Comforting Alzheimer’s and Dementia care takes care of the physical health and the mental/emotional health. Companionship will not only keep your loved one safe by observing changes and improvements, but will help to extend and enhance their life through encouraging their interests and listening to them. Companionship does wonders for releasing the good chemicals in the human brain. We all need it and that’s especially true for those needing dementia care.
  • Homemaker and Personal Care Services: As dementia progresses your loved one’s motor skill will gradually diminish. That means everyday tasks called ADL’s will become difficult to impossible. A caregiver will offer personal care and housekeeping services.

How Our In-Home Alzheimer's Care Can Help

Comforting in-home care services for dementia patients are different than that of cancer and other end-of-life or hospice services.

Sometimes both types must come together but in the case of having to deal with dementia as a lone diagnosis, in-home care is common.

We offer both companion and personal care at-home services.

A well-rounded service is the only care your loved one should ever receive. We take great pains in collecting data to understand the most current needs of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

We believe there’s always something to learn and we keep the staff that you entrust with the care of your loved one up to the most current standard in practice and education.

Types of Alzheimer’s In-Home Care in Danbury, CT

Comforting care is more than simply dementia in-home care.  We’re there for the families and other caregivers that are assisting the senior, with special attention to the whole family and not just the loved-one. 

At any given time, there’s an army of people and services assisting your loved-one with dementia in-home care services.  We’re here to provide that additional support on a daily basis.

We can be reached 24-hours a day. To view our address and map or use our Get in Touch form click Contact Us.

Providing exceptional Alzheimer's home care in Danbury CT

Types of Alzheimer's Home Care We Provide:

Activities of Daily Living and homemaker services include but are not limited to:

  • Brushing teeth
  • Washing and styling hair
  • Dressing
  • Bathing
  • Eating
  • Light meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping such as making beds, changing linens and laundering, dusting, and vacuuming.

Private Duty Home Care for Clients with Dementia Include:

  • Addressing the anxiety that comes with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Taking care of the spiritual needs of the patient and any other routine things that are important to them. It doesn’t matter whether they remember all the time or that they’re losing their understanding of it. What matters is that they are being respected and treated with dignity.
  • Involving the families and close friends in proper assistance to the loved-one emotionally.
  • The coordination of care and new or changing treatment options depending on the stage of the memory condition. This will vary for everyone.
  • Full support for family and caregivers. There’s a special way to care for the loved one but also care for all who are involved with them on a regular basis.

We are the premier Alzheimer’s in-home care in Danbury, CT. We’re eager to help.
Give your loved one the best dementia care in the Danbury area.

We provide personalized in-home senior care in Danbury, CT, New Milford, CT, Essex, CT, & Washington, CT, along with Fairfield County, Litchfield County, Putnam County CT, Chatham, MA, Tyringham, MA, and Brookline, MA. Our approach allows you to find the best caregiver match. We would love you and your loved one to be the newest member of our family.

Are you ready for our personalized, compassionate, and affordable one-on-one senior home care services?